Monday 28 December 2009

Three reasons why I do not own a PUG.

I love pugs. When a pug crosses my path I can not keep my eyes of it. The perfect little body, the face that looks like it is permanently pressed against the patio doors. I can not get enough of them. My company is even based on them ( However, when people ask me if I have one, I always (and will always) answer no. 'But why?' they ask, and here is the answer.

1. Hold on - don't let go.

The first reason for my lack of a pug companion is a fear of harming it. I look at a pug and am often overcome with a desire to hug it and keep hugging. My fear is that I will not be able to stop hugging. Normally this will not be a problem. However, pugs are well known for having breathing issues. I believe it stems from their puppy hood. My brother told me that when a pug is born they look like most other dogs. But at some time between their birth and being 6 weeks old, the dog puppies have a severe accident. Some run into closed patio doors, others have car doors opened in their faces whilst some simply try and kiss their own reflections in the mirror and take too much of a run up to do this. Whatever the accident, the result is always the same - the little flat face of a pug. This flat face, although adorable, gives most pugs a breathing issue. It is this breathing issue which stops me from from hugging them. I am scared that I might hug the life out of my pug.

2. 'You have your mother's nose'.

I was once chatting to two dear friends about my love for pugs. The conversation was heading towards a natural conclusion when one of my friends (you know who you are) said, 'talking of pets that look like their owners'. The room went cold, I looked at him in horror, he attempted to take it back but we all knew that on some level he thought that something in me resembled a pug. I love pugs - I think they are beautiful but in a 'they are so ugly they are beautiful' kind of way. I do not want people to say 'you remember Vee, the one who looks ever so slightly like a pug'. My conclusion from this episode is that if I keep as far away from pugs as possible then no one will make that connection between myself and them. That is the second reason why I am pugless.

3. Money.

Have you seen the cost of a pug puppy? They are more expensive than me (and I am not cheap)!

There you go. I have said it. It is now on record as to why I do not own a pug. Enough on the matter.
