Monday 19 April 2010

Pug of War in Politics

Election fever seems to be gripping the nation (well as much as it ever will - after talking about the Christian/Syed drama in Eastenders, the lack of planes currently above us and how this is turning out to be a pretty nice April, we move on to the conversation of 'who are you voting for in the election?').

I am stuck - a classic floater - I seem to be changing my mind every minute. I have given up reading the paper, as I find each article pulling me this way and that. I vividly remember the last General Election. I was still a student and was looking forward to ticking the box on the paper and making my contribution to British Democracy. However, when I got to the polling station it suddenly dawned on me that I had - amidst the excitement - forgotten to decide on a party. If I'm to be totally trueful I had forgotten to read any papers, research any political policies or paid any attention to the election. I was struck with fear. What if I made the wrong decision? What if my vote was the one that mattered? All these questions were wizzing through my mind and then the answers came...

I walked round the corner in my North Islington constituency and was greeted by what I can only describe as a 'party political PUGCAST'. A beautiful tan pug dressed in gold (seems this pug was a liberal) strolled up to me (owner in tow) and handed me a leaflet. Right there my vote was won. Any party that has a pug on the front line was a party for me. The pug looked proud to be in the colours of the Liberal Democrats and quite frankly, if it's good enough for him, it is good enough for me. My vote was won.

Now, I'm not saying that I am voting Lib Dems this time round. What I am saying is that my vote is easily won so listen out Brown, Cameron and Clegg - get some pugs out there and I promise the swingometer will swing your direction. Bring on the pug of war!



  1. just in case you dont find any pugs...


  2. Thank you for this 'Anonymous'. I'm am hopeful that pugs will be patrolling our pavements looking for my vote. It is about time that politicians realise that using pugs are up there with kissing babies, eating ice scream and visiting tower blocks!

    Keep watching for my next post.

    Vee x
